Monday, April 22, 2013

B Says

At the barbershop with Nate
B: "Oh. You guys are two guys."
One of the guys: "And you are one guy."

Upon returning from my exile in the basement, I can hear that Felix is crying upstairs in his room with Caitlin:
"Mom, Mom I am so glad you are here because Felix needs you. FELIX, FELIX Mommy is here. ... I will go get Felix."
He runs upstairs to get his brother. So sweet.

Upon dropping Caitlin off at home:
"Caitlin thanks for coming to my home."

We are in the car taking Caitlin back to her house, and we see Max on his bike.
B: Oh Max's bike have training wheels like mines.
Me: Your bike?
B: My bike is at the tent store. (REI)

Me: Beckett, we need to go pick up Caitlin.
B: I not want to pick up Caitlin.
Me: Why not?
B: Because I need you.