Sunday, November 18, 2012


Beckett is really into doing laundry right now. He will load the washing machine while I sort the clothes. He will take the wet clothes from the washing machine and put them in the dryer, and he will take the dry clothes from the dryer and put them in a basket. He sometimes will even go load or unload unbidden.

I not like it anymore.

Say this in a really sad, whiny voice to sound like Beckett. This phrase always makes me laugh.


Felix has a moany cry, and Beckett, seeing how effective this cry is, has started moaning too. It's like I have two babies. It drives me crazy. We've had lots of talks about not moaning and talking instead. Maybe it's sinking in because the other day Beckett said, "Moaning is for Felix."

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Mommy's Room

Beckett talks about Beckett's room, Felix's room, and Daddy's room. When I asked him where Mommy's room is he said, "Maybe there" and pointed to the bathroom.

Friday, October 19, 2012


While sweeping the floor to his best 3-year-old ability Beckett says to me, "I love this game, Momma."

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Beckett after getting a shot at the doctor's:
"So nice of the doctor give a band-aid a me."

Saturday, August 4, 2012


In bed in Chattanooga Beckett tells me what we are going to do the next day:

"Go a car. See Grammy. Get some nummas. See Grandpa. Say "my pal Beckett." See a temple. See trains. See train tracks. Have fun."

Nate had told him about what was going to happen the next day. He added the train and train tracks himself. It all came true.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


We had no power for 3 days. On the 4th day when the power was back on B came downstairs and said to me, "When the power's out need a flashlight, mom."

3 Years

At his 3-year check-up:

Weight: 34 lbs. (74%)
Height: 40.8 in. (off the chart high)
BMI: 14.4 (6%)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Train Book

Pulling into the library parking lot: "Oooo Oooo the library. Get a train book."

Becket can't leave the library without a train book. I keep telling him that I think he's already checked them all out.

Monday, April 23, 2012


Felix is getting so big so quickly. It's ridiculous how fast he is growing.

Here he is at 3 weeks looking so tiny and tired.

At 4 weeks he already loved his bath.
He was 6 weeks on Easter. He was already looking so big.

Yesterday Felix was blessed at church. He was 8 weeks.

Felix was born with a full head of hair. Here he is at two weeks.
 By 6 weeks Felix had lost all the hair on the top of his head. He was such a cute balding baby.
 At 8 weeks that hair has already grown back. 
It might not be as long as it was at 2 weeks, but he doesn't have a bald spot anymore.
Our babies love the changing table. Felix always wants to hang out there.

Felix also enjoys swinging, watching his mobile, and sitting in his bouncy seat.
Just look at that handsome baby.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Beckett is trying to learn the song that the baby monitor sings. He keeps restarting the song so that he can get all the words right.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

No More Music

Beckett went from singing constantly and asking for SteveSongs all the time to wanting no music ever. He doesn't want mom to sing. He doesn't want to sing. When I put on music he says "Turn the music off" and gets very mad until I do. I'm glad I enjoyed every moment of his singing because I'm not getting much of it now.

Baby Felix

Beckett calls his brother "Baby Fegitx."

When riding in the car and Felix is crying Beckett says, "Sorry baby Fegitx. Almost home."

Beckett is always bringing me Felix's binkies.

Beckett loves to help change Felix's diaper. "Baby Fegitx a new diaper. Diaper Change."

Beckett says, "Baby Fegitx still crying. He needs something."

Beckett has expanded his "So nice to" to include Felix. He says, "So nice to mom. So nice to daddy. So nice to Baby Fegitx."

Easter Sayings

Beckett doesn't eat much candy. On discovering that there was candy in the eggs at an egg hunt, he christened them "numma nummas." What's so funny about this is that "Numma numma" is a game he's been playing with Grammy for over a year. She says "numma numma" and pretends to eat him.

Beckett got playdoh for Easter. He's never seen playdoh before. We told him what it was and he said, "Hiya paydoh."

My Pal Beckett

My parents came up with all sorts of new games to play with Beckett.

"My pal Beckett" involves them arguing over who gets to be pals with Beckett. Soon Beckett was joining in and also saying "No, no. My pal Beckett." Sometimes when thinking about Grammy and Grandpa he'll say "Grandpa says 'My pal Beckett.'"

Grammy made up songs for every food that Beckett ate. "Hot Dog, Hot Dog." "Cheese Snakes" "Bagel, Bagel Boogie."

Grammy and Beckett played spider at the table. The spiders came to crawl on Beckett's head.

Grammy and Beckett played tunnel. Beckett crawled under Grammy's legs, and she insisted that he would never get out. Of course, he always did. Then he'd say, "I did it."


What's better than a train or a truck? A vehicle carrying another vehicle--like a truck carrying a tractor or a truck carrying cars. One time we saw a car carrying a bike and that was really exciting.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Good Job

I tell Beckett "good job" a lot, naturally. Well, now he tells me "good job" too. I'll say "good job, Beckett," and he'll reply "good job, Mom." I'll tell him "good singing, Beckett," and he'll say "good singing, Mom." Why thank you Beckett, I am a rather good singer. I actually really like all the positive affirmation.

Blue's Clues

Beckett is really into watching Blue's Clues. It's basically the only show he watches since we outlawed Thomas and Friends. (He just can't handle it when that show ends.) Watching Beckett watch Blue's Clues is hilarious. He dances with Steve. He finds the clues. He knows the words to all the songs. He started calling his magna doodle a "hand-dandy notebook," and he calls the chairs in our house "thinking chairs." He tells me "mom sit in the thinking chair" a lot.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Thank You

Beckett is getting so polite. He says "Thank you Mommy" all the time. It's nice. I feel like he appreciates some of the millions of things I do for him.

Watch Me

Beckett has reached the stage where he wants me to sit and watch him play. He keeps dragging me back to the couch saying "sit chair" or "sit in thinking chair." He calls our chairs thinking chairs thanks to Blue's Clues.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Beckett Singing Part II

Beckett has suddenly grasped the idea of singing and can sing a lot of songs:

The Sunbeam Song
Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes
The Snowman Song
Popcorn Popping
A Beach Song
Jingle Bells

It's dang cute.

"Nice ta Mom" Part II

"Nice ta Mom" has become nice to lots of things. In addition to saying that he should be "Nice to Mom" and "Nice to Daddy," Beckett also has said that he should be "Nice to the flag," and "Nice to the car."

Monday, January 2, 2012

Beckett Singing

Beckett is in the basement by himself and we can hear him singing/ shouting "a SUNBEAM. a SUNBEAM!" Earlier today at the Kohl's he saw a snowman and started singing "once their was a snowman." He also sings the ABCs (Super Why style).

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Eve

This New Year's Eve we went to Columbia's Symphony of Lights. Every New Year's Eve they open the road for foot traffic and then have a fireworks show at 7pm. It was one of the best New Year's I've ever had. The family friendly activity truly was family friendly. Beckett liked walking by all the lights, especially the snowflakes. And he loved the fireworks. He was laughing and smiling, stamping his feet, pointing, and saying "boom."